Who’s in charge…you or your business?

I love that question!

Last week in the “Creating Consistent Revenue WORKshop”, we discussed creating your lifestyle business.

In other words, building your business around your life…rather than trying to live your life around your business.

But how can I make money is a question I often get following that statement.


It’s easier than you think. If you’re working a 9-5 or have in the past…be honest.

After you take away the coffee breaks, the extended field trips around the office, water cooler time and the time you spent thinking about what had to be done rather than actually doing it…You really only worked 30% – 40% of the time you were there.

The truth is you only do what you are held accountable for doing plus the things that you enjoy doing. That’s it.



My attendees were able to lay the foundation for what they were and were not willing to do in and for their businesses and a whole lot more.

Everyone left with answers, but a lot of NEW questions. That is progress!

Ahh…a question???


Next steps?

The Creating Consistent Revenue Mastermind!

Business Coaches • Life Coaches • Professional Services Consultants • Speakers

5 highly focused education sessions, a private discussion forum and 4 accountability calls. When we are done, you will have your name, mission, product/service established and priced as well as a 90 day marketing strategy to get you off on the right track.

Why a 90 day strategy? Because we have to review what worked and tweak as you grow…and you WILL grow. Your training sessions are webinars with the Accountability calls providing time for you to report in on your progress, challenges and successes!

All calls will be recorded and you will receive the links within 24 hours of the event.

Also, our very own private forum to provide the safe space to post questions and your assignments.

Training Session 1: Clarity in your business
What do you want out of your business and what are you willing to give up to get it?

-Your business and your brand
-What you do…and what you don’t
-How to create the conversation that will answer the question “Why choose you?”

Training Session 2: The 3 P’s that determine your revenue

-Product- Build your scope of services
-Pitch – Create your networking intro, your sales script and learn how to close the deal.
-Pricing – I will show you the systems for pricing your services that keeps them coming back for more.

Training Session 3: One more P

-Getting Clients – Your sales cycle
-Keeping Clients – It takes more than a contract to have a client and build a business.
-Selling more to existing Clients – Creating new ways to leverage your skills and offerings.

Training Session 4: Tracking the $$$
Once you make it – Put it to work for you.

-Key mistakes business owners make that keep them in the red and prevent con$i$tent growth.
-The investments you need to budget for YOUR type of business and the “bright shiny objects” to avoid.

Training Session 5:
More tools for your tool belt

-Templates for emails and messaging
-28 day Marketing plan
-Event planning and Joint Ventures
-Apps you may not know about to make your online presence soar
-Identifying your top 50 prospects for quick return on your investment