You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run…

I have had conversations over the past few weeks with business owners and sales professionals who have had to deal with clients who were either not properly qualified, or just not a good fit. Trust me when I say, all money is not good money. There is no shame in walking away from a sale.

Let’s work together to limit the number of sales that lead nowhere, and force you to walk away. Here are three things to remember prior to every sale.

1 Pre-qualify – When you move from the “meet” to the “meeting” it’s imperative that you take the time to ask the necessary questions and clarify your expectations and the client’s.

2. Put It On Paper – Plain and simple. If it is not recorded it does not exist. #Document, #Document, #Document.

3. Proficiency – It is not the transaction, it’s the testimony. Word of mouth is one of the best forms of advertising. If you cannot perform the requested task or service, politely decline.

Does your business need a boost? Do you have a heart to help those abroad? Let’s do both. On April 25, 2017, at 4:00 CDT, I’ll be hosting a webinar, “Build Your Business with Referrals.” For only $57, you will learn key strategies that will help you ask for and receive the referrals you need to take your business to the next level. All proceeds from this webinar will benefit “Hope for Humanity,” an NGO in Agona Swedru, Ghana, West Africa. HFH is dedicated to changing the lives of children and young adults through education and training. Here is the link to reserve your spot today.

With your success in mind!