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Account-Ability Sales Development

Supercharge sales, increase revenues, improve morale, reduce turnover, bolster recruitment, and raise client retention & satisfaction.  Participants will experience greater productivity and focus for identifying, cultivating and closing more revenue in one sales cycle. Guaranteed!


This training benefits:

  • Sales managers, Sales professionals / support staff
  • MLM business owners
  • People who only eat what they kill


So many people are afraid of selling. Actually, it’s the word sales – not the process, that you are allowing to hold you back.

80% of the 16,000,000 salespeople in the United States, who do 20% of the business, must face the same thoughts every time they make a call or give a presentation.

If you are afraid to be rejected or fear criticism that’s okay. Easily overcome!


All of this in one session!

Thursday, March 2nd at EdgeWorx



  • Participants will begin to develop their own “style” of sales
  • What is your ask? WHO do you ask?
  • Suspects, prospects, customers and clients (there is a difference) – Where to find them and how to grow them and assessing their potential
  • Moving from the meet to the meeting to the close.
  • Accountability that measures what does or does not work and why




  • How much in 10% growth in your monthly revenue worth to you?


Your investment is only $97







**Add paypal buy now button


What People have said about working with Donna…

…I absolutely love the clarity that DSB brings! She has the ability to sit back and analyze what it is that is missing that is causing an entrepreneur or a company to miss the mark in their sales goals. She provides an innovative perspective and approach towards your sales pitch and will open your eyes to ways of packaging your products/services that will add value to them.

…Donna challenged me to take a look at myself and my goals. Working with her helped develop my confidence and trust in myself. I have since changed where I live and where I work. The new position was a 30% salary increase and a great opportunity to further achieve my goals.

…Donna has the gift to inspire and she may be using that gift to drive better results in business, but the lessons learned when you ‘Donnatize To Monetize’ permeate all aspects of life. She’s a rare gem.